About Me

Petal is recent handle name I update. Evetswee is my old handle I use in writing.com community website and forum with account tswee24. Stage name: Rosella Name: Wee Tze Siang

Monday, November 22, 2010

Look alike

My mum told me about thoughts,
never she and I give a thought,
how my nephew look alike of a father,
how the photos look alike twin.
It's so uncanny since father is my brother.

By Petal

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leaving, lost in blues

The sun smile but hides well,
Sky is blue with no rain bells,
Wispy cloud passed the leaf stand,
With might and upright armed,
But lost in sea surround by blues and cry.

The only being are leaf form is green,
See the blues and hues when lean,
With stem of legs it sweat when stand,
The lofty boat sail on gleaming pane,
Sea still immobile with serenity.

There is no land but all blues,
Completely lost when directed on hues,
By hand to leave and sail,
Leaf continue and wish not to hail,
With pride and noble when own a boat.

A line left on gleaming sea,
Shadow of wave left trace by means,
With irony the scenery is bright,
With a long line of trailing flight,
It move, and move on to be soaked.

It lost in blues with no tears,
Swaying fro the branch lack of fear,
It lie on green boat and felt it run,
To far far away when stop to lunge,
It float to drag by bursting waves.

The boat sail till it lost and sank,
The form of leaf light on sea lank,
On quiet day it float and lost,
Against the hues of waves it cost,
Loneliness when leaving along the flow.

By Petal

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Five past eight

Beds untidy and mum scolds,
frowns 'it's eight o'clock.'
the clock ticks the moment
she express annoyance
before flight, next five minutes
she left and messy beds
leave untouched.

At night pranks are pulled
before the pillow fight starts,
by non-sleepers who turns
things wild till raining feathers
from pillow filled the room
like falling leaves of weather,
More like snow in heat during
time of five past eight.

Crumpled mattress on the floor
with bed laid of scrumbled
blanket, pillows are lost
but Mum isn't witness
when left five minutes ago.
She return
and looked more stern,
but let it slide and go
when surrender
to replying them,
'It's early to sleep.'

It's their victorious
night and they took
this moment of time
the winners in the bedroom
who have happy day
during daytime,
they've engage
water fight Mum allows
she don't have to spend
a dime,
they are her boys
she love they are triplets
but next hour
silence dies when they slept.

By Petal

Mop then ballet dancing

Petunia shouts 'Diddikins, comes down!'
And so Dudley 'Diddikins' comes down stairs
Vernon yelled 'Boy, come down!'
The Potter 'boy' also comes down staircase
Petunia and Vernon looked at them sternly.

'You, Harry Potter, go and mop the floor,'
barks Vernon as he glared at him.
'Diddikins, go and wear ballet costumers in.'
say Petunia with serious look.
Harry shot Dudley a look with a dare to try.

Soon Harry mopping the floor,
And Dudley protests but he had to wear costumes.
Now in tight suit, he had to try and stay profile low,
Dudley had to glide when the floor still wet.
He cannot fall down or lose the dare.

'There's no shame to dance ballet!'
Petunia exclaimed to Harry,
Then they heard crash with sound of a bleat.
Dudley's voice carried along and they check
he sprawl, his legs up with hands holding plates.

By Petal

Top of the world

A naive world
of no work load,
Love to play,
till he laid
on the bed
when he sleep.

Open his eyes,
spread wide,
arms too,
up he go,
to the top of his world
after all.

He jumps,
his smile lumps,
wants a hug
but you coo,
what a lovely smile
you say moo,
he love it,
his eyes lit.

Take me up,
his hands up,
up he go,
in the sky,
to the top of his world
after all.

By Petal 

Little fishes

Little fish, little fish, wide eye open clear,
In the fish tank to swim and peer.
Swim effortlessly around from day to night,
Even with wide eye asleep from the burning light.

Carefree as it was when it's time for them to eat their fill,
Feeding small bits of food enough as they swimming still.
Open and close mouth like goldfish,
Is their favorite past time in their bubbling fun to gurgling-ish. 

By Petal

Fiddling pen

A pen in the fiddle,
are in nerves of shyness,
the shy pen lost in the wit,
but it hones out unconsciousness.
It tries to be acrobatic,
in difficulty to tell a character;

When it fiddles,
it's in the might of karate.
It turns hype spontaneously,
as the mind thinks.

In a fiddle the mighty hand
wrung a musical string,
now the pen dances and it vent,
to move after a bell rings.
Then pen flow with the mind
as if it tells a story.

In the dance the pen fiddle,
as the mind keeps it rolling.
And it dancing away while
the ink gradually runs out.

The mind are in excitement
while it refills the fresh words.
Ink is now back in place,
the pen turns alive by intelligent lord.
Now the eyes of mind looking at
the pen fiddling at bay,
And the pen thinks hands are like DJ
loves music in a play.
They keep on active continuously,
and let the hand have it's say.
More pens in the fiddle musically play,
and having their caps flying away.

In the mighty armour,
The pens fly on the papers.
It non stop continued on
as the inks are their slippers.
They are not running,
but to glide faster.
They are waiting for words
of mind as their stopper.
Pen then wait until they
are asked to be fiddling pen again.

By Petal